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Travel News Talk

Maldives exceeds 100,000 Visitors for the Third Month of 2024 – Aiming for Ambitious Tourism Goals

The Maldives celebrates a remarkable achievement in its tourism sector, with over 100,000 tourist arrivals for the third consecutive month in 2024, marking a promising trajectory towards its ambitious goal of 2 million arrivals. Despite a slight decrease in Indian tourists, the Maldives has seen significant growth in visitor numbers, with a 13.9% increase compared to the previous year, showcasing the resilience and attractiveness of its tourism industry. The shift in tourist arrival markets, with China leading followed by Russia and Italy, reflects the success of the Maldives’ strategy to diversify its tourist markets and appeal to a broader audience.

With 1,174 operational tourist facilities across the archipelago, the Maldives offers a diverse range of accommodations catering to various traveller preferences. The country’s commitment to delivering extraordinary experiences is evident in its warm welcome to visitors, exemplified by special ceremonies at Velana International Airport, and the quality of its resorts, seen in such examples as the OBLU XPErience Ailafushi, a popular choice for the best Maldives all inclusive resorts.